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Press Releases

Cultural Differences and McDonald's: A Multi-Country Comparative Study

Publication: International Journal of Business and Globalisation

Teaching the Time Value of Money: Advantages of the Continuous Compounding (Exponential) Model

Publication: Journal of Instructional Techniques in Finance

Publication Date: Spring 2015

Differential Effects of Brand, Ratings and Region on Willingness to Pay

Publication: Journal of Wine Research

Publication Date: February 4, 2013

Luxury Wine Marketing: The Art and Science of Luxury Wine Branding
This book helps to demystify the process by describing how to craft, implement, and maintain a luxury wine brand. 
Exploring key service quality dimensions at a winery from an emerging market’s perspective

Publication: British Food Journal

Publication Date: September 21, 2016

Strategic networks of discovery and creation entrepreneurs

Publication: European Management Journal

Publication Date: April 2017

How future managers view societal culture: a comparison across seven CEE countries

Publication: Journal for East European Management Studies

Publication Date: April 2013

Corporate Social Performance in Family Firms: A Meta-Analysis
The overall relationship between family firms and CSP is positive. The relationship between family firms and CSP is positive for private family firms but is negative for public family firms. The relationship between family firms and CSP is positive when family involvement includes both family ownership and management as opposed to only family ownership or family management. Private family firms care more and public family firms care less about the community, environment, and employees than private and public nonfamily firms. The relationship between family firms and CSP is stronger in institutional environments with weak labor and corporate governance regulatory frameworks. 8.3.4