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Press Releases

Professor Liz Thach, MW
Profiling the high frequency wine consumer by price segmentation in the US market

Publication: Wine Economics and Policy Journal

Publication Date: June 2015

Dr. Merlin Hanauer, Professor of Economics
Estimating the Impacts of Bolivia's Protected Areas on Poverty

Publication: Environmental and Resource Economics

Publication Date: January 2015

Exploring the Impact of Social Media Practices on Wine Sales in US Wineries

Publication: Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practices

Publication Date: July 2016

Inspiring Winery Experiences to Benefit Destination Branding? Insights from Wine Tourists at Yantai, China
The results of the study reveal that service quality at a winery is a significant determinant of winery satisfaction among Chinese wine tourists, which in turn affects the brand equity of a wine tourism destination.
Rara Avis Vineyards: Has this bird flown?

Publication: Wine Business Case Research Journal

Publication Date: April 16, 2018

World Series Game Situation Winning Probabilities: How Often Do Teams Come Back From Behind?

Publication: The Baseball Research Journal

Publication Date: Fall 2014

Professor Liz Thach, MW
Wines of Baja Mexico: A Qualitative Study Examining Viticulture, Enology, & Marketing Practices

Publication: Wine Economics & Policy Journal

Publication Date: December 2015

Relationship Between Human Capital, New Venture Ideas, and Opportunity Beliefs: A Meta‐Analysis
In this study, we review the body of literature on this topic and analyze the relationships between two types of human capital—general and specific human capital, the ability to generate new venture ideas, and the attractiveness of opportunities.