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Sample Wine Tasting Protocol


Sample Wine Tasting Protocol



  • [Course name and number] is scheduled to be delivered in a [specify mode] on [day/time] at [place].
  • Alternate attendance will be implemented:
Option A
  • A three-hour class time will be split into two sessions: 50 percent of the students will attend class from – to [add time]; and 50 percent will attend from – to [add time]. A ten-minute break between the sessions will be used for cleaning and setting up the classroom for the next session.
Option B
  • Fifty percent of the students will attend class on [add day]; and 50 percent will attend class on [add day].
  • The remaining instructional time will be supplemented with online content that will be posted on Blackboard one week prior to class session. Knowledge of the online supplement material will be assessed by quizzes at the beginning of class sessions.
  • Face-to-face class sessions will be reserved for key concepts overview, Q&A, and wine tasting sessions.


  • Students will be sitting at a six-foot distance. The instructor will determine the seating configuration.
  • To ensure physical distancing of at least six feet, visual cues (i.e., floor markings and desk signs to indicate where the students should sit and stand) will be implemented.
  • Students will be responsible for bringing their own clean set of wine glasses in individual boxes to wine tasting sessions.
  • At the beginning of the semester, students will be given individual sets of tasting supplies (aroma wheels, tasting notes templates, glass circles, disposable spit cups, zip locks, etc.) Students will be responsible for bringing this tasting set to class. 
  • Students will be required to wear masks at all times, with the exception of the actual wine tasting time.
  • Students will also be encouraged to wear face shields during the tasting.
  • Teaching Assistant will be the only person to pour the wine and distribute food samples for wine and food pairing sessions. While pouring, Teaching Assistant will be wearing a mask, a face shield, and rubber gloves.
  • Prior to distributing any samples to class, Teaching Assistant will always sanitize the gloves with 90 percent rubbing alcohol.
  • Teaching Assistant will utilize contactless pouring protocol (e.g., wine bottle not to touch wine glasses)
  • For wine pouring, students will be asked to step away from their desks. While waiting for the wine to be poured, students will maintain a six-foot distance between Teaching Assistant pouring the wine and the other classmates.    
  • Upon completion of the class session, students will be responsible for placing their spit cups in a resealable plastic bag and disposing them outside of the classroom
  • Entry/Exit: A plan will be developed and communicated to the students for maintaining social distance while entering and leaving the classroom.
  • Teaching Assistant will be responsible for cleaning and disinfecting desks and any other commonly touched items (e.g., doorknobs) before/after each class session.
  • Teaching Assistant will be wearing gloves when performing cleaning, sanitizing or disinfecting activities.
  • Instructor will ensure availability of sanitizing gel, wipes, and EPA-registered disinfectants in the classroom.