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Exploring the Impact of Social Media Practices on Wine Sales in US Wineries

Author: Liz Thach, MW, Ph.D.; Terry Lease, Ph.D.; Marieshka Barton, MBA

Publication: Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practices

Publication Date: July 2016

This paper investigates the impact of social media practices on wine sales in US wineries as perceived by winery owners and general managers. An online survey research methodology involving a sample of 375 US wineries was used to gather data. MS Excel software was used to analyze data, including descriptive statistics and ANOVAs. Results illustrate that 87 percent of wineries in the sample report a perceived increase in wine sales due to social media practices. Using multiple social media platforms, rather than just a couple, is statistically significant with reported increases in wine sales. Wine marketers in the United States would benefit from adopting social media into their marketing mix, especially smaller wineries. The results suggest to start with Facebook and to ensure the winery owner responds to consumer comments on TripAdvisor and Yelp.

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